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Vision-Based Manipulation: Learning Adventures

Assumptions: This series of adventures is predicated on concurrently taking the ECE4560 course, so that the material being explored maps to lecture and reading material to the degree possible. It will involve estimating reference frames for a manipulator with camera robot. These would include the arm base frame, the camera to world frame, the end-effector frame, a tabletop to camera frame, and the reference frames of objects on the tabletop. These objects and their frames will be recovered using image processing routines. Manipulation tasks will be defined relative to these frames.

Philosophy: This thread is totally new (Fall 2021), but parts of it have been given to students in the past as part of custom tracks. We'll try to consolidate things into a coherent lab project. You will have to code up your own class for controlling the robot.

Companion Code: _TBD_.

Adventure Modules

ece4560/visman/adventures.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/06 10:31 by