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VisMan: Connecting and RViz

Main activities are:

  1. Log into machine and get comfortable with launching basic services.
  2. Connect to Dynamixel servomotors, visualize joint angles and robot in rviz.
  3. Connect to a single separate motor, send low-level commands to move it. There should be an interface for sending joint commands to the Dynamixel servomotors. Show control of one.

Most of the information is available through existing tutorials. For example, the biped first lab tutorial has links to Dynamixel starter activities.

Demo: Show the Edy model in Rviz as the manipulator is adjusted. Hold the robot arm and play with it. The model in Rviz should move exactly how real model moves.

Notes from Ruinian's e-mail

The computer to the left of Edy as you are facing Edy is the one to use.

There is a Github repository for Edy that documents how to run it with ROS. Follow the README with the of viewing the virtual model of Edy in Rviz.

Of note, when facing to the wall, only the right arm works. For the project, only one arm is needed to be operational. But please make sure all cables are connected for the left arm otherwise you won't be able to successfully run the tutorials provided (since they may assume both arms are connected).

Supplemental Material: In case you want to learn more about ROS and MoveIt!, there are official tutorials provided by ROS and MoveIt!, which provide understanding on how they both work.

Issues and Debugging

Joint state with name: “” was received by not found in URDF
Initialization failed. Unable to start controller edy position controller r_2.

First check if every motor is powered. Check if the light of each motor flashes once after being powered on. The position of LED light is different for different types of motors. Secondly, after launching controller manager, check that all 16 motors are found. Lastly, make sure there are no error messages after launching the position controller for each motor.

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ece4560/visman/01start.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/06 10:31 by