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Progression of Course Material

The schedule below roughly approximates the timeline of course material presentation. It ends a bit earlier than the course which means that (i) some of the material will take a little longer than indicated at the moment, and (ii) there may be some time to consider other aspects of computer vision.

Overall, the first part of the course on the geometry of cameras and perspective projection, will explore the linear algebra techniques needed to solve for- or recover- camera or world geometry. The second part of the course introduces optimization-based thinking when it comes to information recovery from images. The last part of the course goes over different optimization setups that compute different entities associated to computer vision.

Readings Covering the Course Material

The following are online resources or links to reading material referenced in the timeline:

The following are condensed notes or slides related to the mathematical or computer vision concepts:

Timeline / Schedule

The different book chapters listed in the reading column are interchangeable, but you might prefer one over the other.
Blue is reading that won't necessarily be discussed in class during the week, but will relate to the homework. There is also a list of Formative Questions that relate to the weekly readings. These begin with the letter *Q* in the reading collumn.

Topic Concepts Reading Notes
Week 01 Syllabus Projection Equations Sz 1, B&B 1, H 1
Darrell 01+02
Image formation
Image Formation Ideal/Actual Cameras
Week 02 Image Formation Homogeneous Representation
Real Projective Space
$SE(3)$ Representation
Sz 2.1
B&B A1.1-A1.7
H 13 (kind of)
Coordinate Systems
Matrix Homogeneous Form
Camera/World Geometry
Rigid Body Frames
Camera Projection Matrix
Image Processing
(Linear Filters)
Sz3.1.1, 3.1.4, 3.2
B&B 3.2, 3.3
H 7, 8
Week 03
Week 04
Camera Calibration
Intrinsic/Extrinsic Parameters
Direct Linear Transformation
Singular Value Decomposition
QR Factorization
Sz 6.2, 6.3
B&B A1.8-1.9
DLT Tech Report
Q3.2, Q3.3
Binary / Morphological Transformations
Distance Transform
Sz 3.3.2-3.3.4
H 3,4
Week 05 Stereo Cameras Least Squares
Sz 7.1, 7.2
H 13
Week 06 Stereo Imaging / Epipolar Geometry Essential Matrix
Fundamental Matrix
Sz 7.2
H 6,7
Image Convolution/Filtering Sz 3.2
Week 07 Images as Functions
Linear Image Operators
Numerical Differentiation
Convolution Q5.1 Differentiation
Image Smoothing Diffusion Equation Sz 4.1
Week 08 Gradient Optimization in
Computer Vision
Template Matching Sz 8.1, 8.2
B&B 3.2.1
H 6,7
Template Matching
Energy Minimization
Global vs Local
Week 09 Template Matching (ctd)
Interest Points
Sz 4.1
Week 10 Regularization and Discrete
Optimization in Computer Vision
$k$-means Sz 3.7.1 K-Means
Image Segmentation Iterated Conditional Modes Active Contours (Optional)
Week 11 Spring Break [No Class]
Week 12 Bayesian Segmentation
in Computer Vision
Bayesian Segmentation
Maximum a-posteriori
Week 13 Optical Flow
Sparse vs Dense
Q8.1+2 Optical Flow
Part/Version 2
Week 14 TBD
Week 15 TBD
Week 16 Final Exam Week (Optional)

Argh! Matlab

Here are some Matlab primers

  1. Matlab list of tutorials.
  2. Image processing in Matlab.

Other Computer Vision Material

  1. Computer vision lectures online (advanced)
  2. IAPR Computer Vision/Image Processing tutorials.


ece4580/schedule.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 21:38 by