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Progression of Course Material


Text Books

The official textbook is:

  • [C] Craig. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control.

One alternative is:

  • [SHV] Spong, Hutchinson, Vidyasagar. Robot Modeling and Control.

There are a couple of books available online. The first is a bit more abstract, while the second is more suited to the course material,

  1. [MLS] Murray, Li, and Sasty. A Mathematical Introduction to Robotics; online - pdf.
  2. [LP] Lynch and Park. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control; online.
  3. [Co] Corke. Robotics, Vision, and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB; GT Library

The time line below will reference the books based on the abbreviation using the authors' initials. You need only really reference one of the books. The equivalent material for each book is provided in the Reading column, as applicable. The alignment with lecture is not 100% for any of them, but gets close.

Lecture Notes

Also, as perthe main wiki page, there are scanned lecture notes. The last column references the scanned pdf documents available in the lecture notes page. The [PX_YY] abbreviation refers to my 2005 notes, while [PX_WYY] refers to the student scanned 2007 notes. Additional notes available as individual links in the lecture notes wiki are directly linked from the Notes column.

Time Line

Theory Application Reading Notes
Week 01 Syllabus Matlab Basics LP 3.0-3.1; C 2.1-2.3 P1_01
Rigid Bodies and Frames SHV 2.1, 2.2.1, 2.4, 2.6 P1_W01
Week 02 $SE(2)$, Homogeneous Representation Matlab Classes LP 3.3.1, only $SE(2)$ P1_01
Frames vs Displacements C 2.3, 2.6; SHV 2.4, 2.7 P1_W02
Transformations T02-1 + T02-2
Week 03 Lie Groups Matlab Classes (ctd) LP 3.2.1, 3.3.1 P1_02
Displacements (ctd) C 2.6, 3.5 P1_W02
Kinematic Chains SHV 2.6, 2.7, 3.1
Adjoint Operation
Week 04 Kinematic Chains Matlab P1_03
Vectors and Frames P1_W03
Velocities / $\mathfrak{se}(2)$
Week 05 $SO(3)$, $SE(3)$ & Representations Matlab P1_03
Velocities / $\mathfrak{so}(3)$, $\mathfrak{se}(3)$ Planar Manipulator C 3.2, LP 3.2 - 3.3 P1_W04+P1_W05
Week 06 Exponential Operation Matlab LP 3.2.3, 3.3 P1_03
Logarithm Operation Planar Manipulator P1_W04+P1_W05
Spatial Manipulator
Week 07 Forward/Inverse Kinematics Planar Manipulator C 7.1-7.2, LP 4.1
Manipulator Workspace Spatial Manipulator LP 2.5
Week 09 Inverse Kinematics Planar Manipulator LP 6.1 & B.1
Week 10 Trajectory Generation (Splines) Planar Manipulator C 3.1, LP 9.1-9.3
Spatial Manipulator LP 9.3
Week 11 Manipulator Jacobian Planar Manipulator
Spatial Manipulator LP 5.1
Week 12 Resolved Rate Trajectory Generation Planar Manipulator LP 6.2-6.3
Spatial Manipulator C 8.2-8.3
Week 13 Pseudo-Inverses Planar Manipulator C 8.1-8.2
Spatial Manipulator
Week 14 Wrenches / Generalized Forces Spatial Manipulator LP 3.4
Manipulator Jacobian and Wrenches C 8.3
Week 15 Close-Out Topics

ECE4560 Main

ece4560/schedule.1693494143.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/20 21:38 (external edit)