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Embedded Control: Learning Adventures

Building Robots

Assumptions: This series of embedded systems exercises presumes that not only is programming microprocessors in education friendly IDEs relatively new to you, but that the digital circuit design fundamentals are also. Some familiarity with programming in general is good since these adventures won't teach how to code, just what code to use.

The adventures will be a mixed bag since we use a variety of microcontrollers. For the most part they adventures will revolve around NXP's mBed and TI's Launchpad (MSP432). Since the TI microcontroller uses Energia, the code wil be mostly Arduino compatible.

Philosophy: Based on the assumptions above, the philosophy underlying the tutorials is that they should be somewhat informative regarding digital electronics for embedded systems, and how to build robotic systems from individual components. Furthermore, rather than provide actual solutions, this set of learning adventures provides some tips on what to do and follows it up with questions. If you can find the answer to the question(s), then you've resolved that particular module. Since this is through a class project or some guided inquiry activity with me, I will provide feedback if you've missed some of the details in your answers.


The following series of learning modules start from the ground up for interfacing the microcontrollers. They start with the assumption that you are able to work with the programming environment of your microcontroller (for TI, it's Energia; for mBed it is their online compiler which requires an account).

Module Set 1: Learning to Sense and Actuate

Module Set 2: Communication and Miscellaneous

Module Set 3: Low-Level Sensing and Control Algorithms

Module Set 3: Bridging the Gap to Higher Level Robotic Control


basics/adventures.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 21:38 by