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Dynamixel Motors: ROS Interface

This section will guide you to instructions for installing the ROS Dynamixel motor stack as well as associated tutorials to operate the motors on ROS.

Prerequisite: This assumes:

  1. instructions in hardware setup have been completed.
  2. you are operating on a Ubuntu release with the appropriate distribution of ROS already installed

Install Dynamixel Motor Stack

The following mirrors instructions found on the page for the Dynamixel motor stack .

To download and install the motor stack, open a terminal and run,

sudo apt-get install ros-%ROS_DISTRO%-dynamixel-motor

where '%ROS_DISTRO%' is replaced with the relevant ROS distribution installed on the system (eg. kinetic).

ROS Dynamixel Motor Tutorial

Follow this tutorial provided for the ROS Dynamixel motor stack.

It will guide you through useful tools to communicate with connected motors. A walk-through is additionally provided to configure a pan-tilt motor arrangement and program a ROS node to operate it.

Previous: Matlab Main (Dynamixel)

dynamixel/ros.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/06 10:31 by