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Manipulations: Learning Modules

Assumptions: There are as few assumptions as possible regarding the learning module sequencing. It is good to know linux and have access to a Linux+ROS installation, as well as comfort with python. In general, anyone choosing to learn robotics is going to have to be comfortable in at least two programming languages (typicall C++ and python), which includes knowing or being open to learning the rich set of libraries associated to- and extending- these languages. Less familiarity and confidence with the above means that you should work through the modules when it is possible to ask someone experienced for help should you get stuck.

Philosophy: The intent is to get you working with manipulation as fast as possible, but not necessarily to teach manipulation. The modules should be complemented with outside learning or with course material if you truly wish to learn what is involved and how to maximally exploit or extend the linked code.

Companion Code: Should be linked as needed in the learning module text.


A basic setup for manipulation involves a robot arm, a surface, and an RGB-D sensor (color+depth). The availability of range or depth data resolves one of the main problems associated with manipulation, which is the recovery of world and object geometry from a visual stream. A single arm also limits what can be done to relatively simple manipulation tasks. The following series of learning modules should get you up to speed with basic robot arms, how visual sensing helps, and how to plan manipulation tasks.

Module Set 1: Setup and Moving the Hand to Grasp

  1. First make sure that Gazebo+ROS are installed and up and running.


gazebo/manipulation/basics.1538141065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/06 10:31 (external edit)