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Piktul: Calibration Activity

Every robot needs to be calibrated in some manner or another. This activity is about doing that for the small planar Piktul robot that you'll be working with first. A huge chunk of the information can be found in the manipulation interface documentation page which includes both the Matlab files you'll need to proceed plus the instructions for how to connect and calibrate the Piktul robot. This page serves as the top level entry point to those.


Demonstration will involve moving the manipulator to different joint configurations and confirmation that they indeed go to where expected. The test calibration file may even be useful for you as you proceed to program the robot in future lab activities.

File: Test calibration.


This is the first lab activity. Most likely you are here based on choosing it, but maybe you wanted to partner up and didn't know anyone in the class. At this point, there should be a Canvas module page for identifying other folk who are unpaired and seeing if they are open to pairing up. An alternative is to post a message to Piazza or whatever other mechanism exists for communicating with your class peers.

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ece4560/piktul/01calib.1694612545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/13 09:42 by classes