Table of Contents
ECE Basics
Circuit Basics
For now, refer to the following pdf file.
- For voltage regulation, you'll have to find the LM38T05 spec sheet. If you want one, just ask James or Kevin in the ECE lab for a 5V voltage regulator (give them the part ID to be sure).
- The LEDs have a current limit, so what component should you use to limit the current?
Arduino Basics
There are also a set of experiments for working with the Arduino.
- Experiment set no. 1
- LED blinking via PWM.
- Analog input using a potentiometer as a voltage divider.
- Potentiometer plus optisolation and LED blinking.
- IMU reading.
- Binary switches and digital input
- Experiment set no. 2
- PWM output and servo motors.
- External trigger.
- Motor encoder and counting.
basics/intro.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 21:38 by