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ECE Basics

Circuit Basics

For now, refer to the following pdf file.

  1. For voltage regulation, you'll have to find the LM38T05 spec sheet. If you want one, just ask James or Kevin in the ECE lab for a 5V voltage regulator (give them the part ID to be sure).
  2. The LEDs have a current limit, so what component should you use to limit the current?
  3. The optoisolator spec sheets are here, here, and here. They should all work the same. I believe that the PS2501 (or maybe the MCT06) has a nice example circuit so you can see how the pull-down resistors should go (to effectively create pull-down voltage dividers).

Arduino Basics

There are also a set of experiments for working with the Arduino.

  • Experiment set no. 1
    1. LED blinking via PWM.
    2. Analog input using a potentiometer as a voltage divider.
    3. Potentiometer plus optisolation and LED blinking.
    4. IMU reading.
    5. Binary switches and digital input
  • Experiment set no. 2
    1. PWM output and servo motors.
    2. External trigger.
    3. Motor encoder and counting.


basics/intro.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 21:38 by