====== Gazebo: Turtlebot ======= ==== Basics ==== Here is a basic set of links that show how to work with the Turtlebot in the Gazebo simulator. - [[http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_gazebo/Tutorials/indigo/Gazebo Bringup Guide | Bringup]]: Start a simulated world. - [[http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_gazebo/Tutorials/indigo/Explore the Gazebo world | Teleop]]: Explore the world using teleop and rviz. - [[http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot_gazebo/Tutorials/indigo/Make a map and navigate with it | Mapping & Navigation]]: Roam the world to map it and re-use the map for navigation. - [[https://github.com/TurtlebotAdventures/nav_demos | Sample Configurations]] Contains a demo world along with sample configurations for mapping, navigation, etc. ------------------------ ;#; [[ : | Main]] ;#;