====== Tracking ====== ** THIS MODULE IS NOT AVAILABLE SINCE IT IS INCOMPLETE. ** Particle filter, Kalman Filter and face tracking ===== Module #1 ===== Particle filter - Study [[http://studentdavestutorials.weebly.com/particle-filter-with-matlab-code.html|particle filter tutorial]] - Watch tutorial video part 1 - Watch tutorial video part 2 - Study Matlab implementation ------------------------ ===== Module #2 ===== Kalman filter - Study [[http://studentdavestutorials.weebly.com/kalman-filter-with-matlab-code.html|Kalman filter tutorial]] - Watch tutorial video part 1, 2 and 3. - Study Matlab implementation. - Write a Matlab script to study the performance compared with Particle filter (the same trajectory with different tracking trajectories). ------------------------ ===== Module #3 ===== Kalman filter in 2D - Study [[http://studentdavestutorials.weebly.com/object-tracking-2d-kalman-filter.html|Object tracking in 2D tutorial]] - Study Matlab implementation ------------------------ ===== Module #4 ===== Face tracking - Now you familiar with Kalman filter for tracking. - Try to track human face in the video! - You can use [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbam3wdfd33a0tg/pres_debate.avi?dl=0|this short video]], with the object bounding box as [320.8751 175.1776 103.5404 129.0504](top left width height) at the first frame. Track the center of the box and see how it works. - You can also use built-in Matlab function to detect face every k frame. See how it helps and comment on what you observe. /* Matlab. http://dlib.net/correlation_tracker.py.html */ -------- ;#; [[ECE4580:Modules|ECE4580 Learning Modules]] ;#;